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Continuity of Personal Knowledge Construction through Creative Act

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This study discusses that the cognitive value of architectural experience is possible by comprehending the meaning transmitted through the articulate. Continuity is viewed through the idea that the co ...

Cultural Heritage and Urban Conservation in Indonesia

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The rapid urban development has put great pressures on city’s historic structures and areas. The complexity of the current situations necessitates an integrated urban conservation in order to maintain ...

Chain of Events

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This studio researches the term public realm both theoretical and practical.Specially focused on the actual urban conditions of the “Krachtwijk” Transvaal, The Hague. The studio is searching for a new ...

A Comparative Study

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Over time I have observed certain types of interventions that achieve a directness of expression, often as a result of utility yet full of character. Primarily in inner Melbourne, these buildings disp ...

Space as a Teacher

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This book begun after the design of a project in University. This has allowed us to better understand all the issues that lead to the realization of a building. In particular, we concentrated on the ...