Последние поступления
School Principals' Preparation and Development:
Раздел: Карьера. Поиск работы
Язык: Русский
School principals’ professional development: theory, practice and prospects is a book that highlights the turbulent world that newly appointed headteachers find themselves in and survival strategies ...
Behavioural Finance
Раздел: Финансы. Денежное обращение
Язык: Русский
While conventional academic finance emphasizes the theory of efficient market hypothesis, the emerging field of behavioural finance investigates the psychological and sociological issues that impact ...
Regional Rural Banks-A Comparative Study
Раздел: Банковское дело
Язык: Русский
Regional Rural Banks – A Comparative Study is concerned with the problems that arise in attempting to discuss in details various tools and techniques which can be gainfully can be employed to solve th ...
Determinants of Bank Profitability
Раздел: Банковское дело
Язык: Русский
Banks profitability is given due attention after the great economic depression is experienced in the United States of America in 1940s. Due to United State sub-prime mortgage crisis that happened rece ...
The Foundations of Islamic Economics and Banking
Раздел: Банковское дело
Язык: Русский
The book outlines origins of Islamic economics Principles in Shari’a, covering its characteristics, economic problem, and government intervention, public versus private property, work ethics, Al-Hisba ...