Банковское дело

Regional Rural Banks-A Comparative Study

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Regional Rural Banks – A Comparative Study is concerned with the problems that arise in attempting to discuss in details various tools and techniques which can be gainfully can be employed to solve th ...

Determinants of Bank Profitability

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Banks profitability is given due attention after the great economic depression is experienced in the United States of America in 1940s. Due to United State sub-prime mortgage crisis that happened rece ...

The Foundations of Islamic Economics and Banking

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The book outlines origins of Islamic economics Principles in Shari’a, covering its characteristics, economic problem, and government intervention, public versus private property, work ethics, Al-Hisba ...

Monetary Policy and its Transmission Mechanism in Jordan

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Financial liberalisation programmes derived its strength from the neo-classical theory which assumed that money is exogenous under the control of the central bank. It also hypothesised that in a repr ...

European Capital Market Integration

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Язык: Русский
During the last decade the EU capital market has experienced major changes in regulatory, institutional, and economic prerequisites mainly because of the formation of single currency (Euro). This book ...
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