Банковское дело

Банки и заёмщики на российском рынке ипотечного жилищного кредитования

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С переходом российской экономики к рыночным отношениям проблема обеспечения граждан жильем особенно обострилась: на одного человека, в России приходится в среднем в два-три раза меньше жилой площади, ...

The Taylor Rule and the Norwegian Central Bank

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The Taylor rule is the simplest rule describing how the main monetary policy instrument - the policy interest rate - could be set. The rule was formulated by John Taylor in 1993 as a linear dependenc ...

Commercial Bank’s Investment Portfolio

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Commercial Bank's Investment Portfolio describes the theoretical principles and provides ideas what could be improved in this complex area- portfolio management and exactly- bank's investment portfo ...

Benchmarking of Financial Solutions Offered by Islamic Banks

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It is general perception of public that financial solutions and products offered by Islamic banks are similar to conventional banks and therefore both contains the element of interest when product pri ...

Comparative study of personal loans in major banks

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The research is done on a particular loan-Personal Loan, provided by every bank to the general public. The banks that are taken into consideration, uses Enabling Technology to provide valued added pro ...
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