Weight Training and Motor Fitness

Weight Training and Motor Fitness
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Язык: Русский
Dr. Amar Kumar, a research study on Weight training and Motor fitness-Effect of weight training on motor fitness of senior secondary volleyball players for the coaches, teachers, and researchers and for the players of different games and sports. This book must provide a firm understanding of Weight training and Motor fitness-Effect of weight training on motor fitness of senior secondary volleyball players and reach valid conclusion in case of Strength, speed, power, endurance, agility, balance, and flexibility ability. This book focuses mainly on those aspects which are vital for the success of motor fitness in volleyball player’s performance.To help the teachers, researcher’s players in his collateral reading, most chapters in this book contain a comprehensive reviewed literature and bibliography. This book becomes a resource on training for sports scientist, coaches, and athletes throughout the world. The sequential weight training of effect can produce optimal performance at other players of major games and sports.It provides the sequence need to successfully prescribe exercise for a wide variety of athletes.


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