Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management
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The present study aims at studying the relationship between service quality, customer Satisfaction and customer loyalty in the banks, which is the ultimate goal of customer relationship management (CRM). The growth and development of service businesses over the years have resulted in a massive and highly intense competitive ‘battle-field’ for the service providers. This includes the banking industry. The primary aim of this research is to acquire knowledge on how well service quality is used as an ‘instrument’ by the banking institutions to stay ahead of competitors based on its customer’s satisfaction. The Indian banking industry is going through turbulent times. The freedom of choice, which, bank customers, did not have earlier because of standardized products and regimented interest rates, has now been given to the customers. The Banks in Ethiopia are evolving to higher levels. Thus a comparative study of CRM practices in the select Banks of Ethiopia and India were conducted in the present study.A modest contribution to the ever growing knowledge in the field of CRM is attempted in this work.


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