Improving Writing Quality Through Self-Assessment

Improving Writing Quality Through Self-Assessment
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Язык: Русский
Self-assessments are an educational tool that provides students with a resource to help them understand their strengths and areas for growth in writing. The purpose of this action research project was to determine if utilizing self-assessments with the use of a co-created rubric improved writing quality and attitude in grade two students. Twenty students participated in the research project, which took place in a grade two classroom within a large metropolitan school division located in southern Alberta. At the end of the action research project the number of students who felt they were poor writers decreased. The majority of the students involved with this research project gained a more positive view of themselves as writers. In regards to improving writing quality, the data showed a positive correlation between the use of rubrics for self-assessment and improvement in both the quality of writing and in students’ attitudes toward writing. The largest growth area was specific to the content of the writing.


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