Choice of Business and Perception on Success of Women Entrepreneurs

Choice of Business and Perception on Success of Women Entrepreneurs
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Women entrepreneurs play an important role in creating job, wealth and innovation across countries. This is quite evident from the reports of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Study. Any research study that examines the challenges and how these were overcome by women entrepreneurs assumes greater importance given the rising population of women entrepreneurs. In recent decades, the country has undergone tremendous changes and has experienced higher rate of growth – economically, industrially and technologically. Increasing educating facilities for education and training, industrialization, new economic policy, positive approach of government, availability of financial resources, entrepreneurship development, training facility and changing socio-economic-political environment encouraging women to enter into entrepreneurial activity. Despite the fact that development of women entrepreneurship has greater attention, there are many limiting factors inhibiting the creation of an industry well-suited to women. In India, women are regarded as the better half of the Society. In reality still our society is male dominating one.


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