The Role of Nursing in Early detection of Cervical Cancer

The Role of Nursing in Early detection of Cervical Cancer
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Язык: Русский
In this study, we evaluated the nurse’s roles. These roles were for two principles, as a counselor and as a provider for cervical cancer screening tests. In the first role, the nurse succeeded in counseling women about the benefits of cervical cancer screening by dismaying the stigma associated with cervical cancer screening. This counseling resulted in the acceptance of screening for early detection of cervical cancer using visual inspection with acetic acid. The nurse demonstrated proficiency in the ability to successfully perform VIA and Pap smear screening. This study indicates also that VIA has a role in detection of cervical lesions that currently is not readily available in Egypt. By comparing VIA to Pap smear, we discovered that VIA is an effective method to detect precancerous/cancerous cervical lesions in a low resource setting with limited availability of cervical cancer screening. ?


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