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Knowledge Audit

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Раздел: Аудит
Язык: Русский
This Book discusses basics of Knowledge, Knowledge Management viz., concepts, issues, creations and transformation. The implication of Knowledge Management on Human Resources and Organization is also ...

Entrepreneur of the 21st century

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Язык: Русский
This is the fourth edition of the book, continuing my personal determination to create new and original books from the entrepreneur and entrepreneur activities area. The entrepreneurship is dynamic mo ...

FDI Flow's into Indian Economy-A Critical Evaluation

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Язык: Русский
Perhaps the most sensitive area in International Economics today is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The developed countries like United States America (USA) United Kingdom (UK), etc. try to restrain ...

Scenario Planning 2020 for Southern African economic empowerment:

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Язык: Русский
The central question that this research report attempts to answer is how southern African countries can leapfrog from agrarian to knowledge-based economies. There is no single answer to this question, ...

Неэлементарные задачи в элементарном изложении

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Язык: Русский
Два раздела книги объединяются общностью цели и обращены к одному и тому же читателю, но значительно различаются по своему характеру. В разделе первом "Задачи по комбинаторике и теории вероятностей" с ...