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Credit Rating Agencies

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Язык: Русский
Different scholars and exponents of the world of finance have found that the problem of conflict of interest might play a relevant role in the business of credit rating agencies. On the one hand, it i ...

Ethics in the Auditing Profession in Ethiopia

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Раздел: Аудит
Язык: Русский
In today’s world where many auditing scandals are happening audit firms in one or another way may be held responsible for the fraudulent accounting practices.US companies Enron and World Com can be ty ...

Tourism and Economic Development Opportunities: Jordan Northern Badia

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Язык: Русский
Badia is the region where the Badu live, it is known as the badiya In Jordan. Traditionally, Badu was nomadic people living in makeshift tents, and traveling to new fields looking for new resources. T ...

The Role of Qatari Women

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Язык: Русский
The State of Qatar is emerging as one of the major players in the economic, humanitarian and political fields. However, social development is a more complex issue; it’s almost an organic phenomenon t ...

Altruism Without Borders

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Язык: Русский
Do individuals care about others’ utility? If we raise awareness on the pressing needs of a group of people, will it have an effect on altruistic behaviour? What about demographic variables, do they i ...