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Silicon-Substituted Hydroxyapatite

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Nowadays, life expectancy is two times higher than in the beginning of the 20th century, therefore, the human body is subjected to higher cumulative stress that results in degradation of the tissues a ...

Body Mass Index and Lipid Levels in Type2 Diabetes Mellities

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Язык: Русский
The work entitled ‘Body Mass Index and Lipid Levels in Type2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Tirupati Urban; Andhra Pradesh’ has been a sincere attempt of assimilation of most of the topics like overwei ...

Resource Dependence and Attitudes Towards Wetland Conservation

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Язык: Русский
The research was conducted to document the dependence of people on and their attitude towards the conservation of Begnas Lake. A stratified random questionnaire survey of 105 households (within 500 me ...

Cicer microphyllum, a wonder plant for abiotic stress management

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Cicer microphyllum is a wild relative of cultivated chickpea and a high altitude cold adapted species distributed in western Himalayas, a cold desert. Cold deserts are usually confined to high altitud ...

Специальные наблюдения Солнца на радиотелескопах БПР и РАТАН-600

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Раздел: Астрономия
Язык: Русский
Книга посвящена возможности формирования точных больших поверхностей антенн переменного профиля (АПП) и наблюдениям источников космического радиоизлучения в режиме квазисопровождения на радиотелеско ...
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