Unrealistic Pledges - Deficient Results

Unrealistic Pledges - Deficient Results
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Язык: Русский
This book examines unique features of the Serbian media reform from 2000-2006. Achievements of private broadcasters like RTV B92 and RTV Pink is certainly an insurance against return to the dictatorial past. Failed transformation of Radio Television Serbia into a public service broadcaster shows that mere introduction of models from mature democracies into a country without democratic tradition does not guarantee success. The media alone cannot accelerate any transition process, nor bridge the gap in democratic culture. The tempo and extent of media reform is set by political elites through political culture and institutions. There is no one grand theory of transition, with prescribed steps and predicted outcomes that can fit into different countries. Such a process is always local, reflecting political and cultural features of the country in question. Originally a dissertation, this book combines academic methodology with narrative excitement of investigative journalism. This makes Stojanovic’s work, along with fearless political analysis, original, provocative and vigorously contested by those who prefer theoretical futility over real life. This book is about and for people!


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