Translating Specialized Texts: Voices from the Classroom

Translating Specialized Texts: Voices from the Classroom
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Язык: Русский
Translation, as a multidisciplinary field, has been attributed much attention among translators, teachers, learners and researchers, etc…. Translating between two languages is not a matter of finding the appropriate synonym. Rather, it rests on preserving meaning that is carried over from one language (or culture) to another. Such preserving renders this task very hard. Thus, translators find themselves working in a problem-solving environment to find remedies to the different translation problems. Inappropriate translation is most often attributed to the wrong use of translating strategies, such as the lack of sufficient knowledge of the source and/ or target language. No matter how successful and creative translators might be in their translating process, translation remains an artistic object that continuously requires “a final touch.”


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