Transitional Toys, Familiar Furniture, Comforting Circles

Transitional Toys, Familiar Furniture, Comforting Circles
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Язык: Русский
I grew up in the Shetland Islands, North Scotland, surrounded by handicrafts, art and nature, and in a family home full of intriguing ornaments and nic-nacs. I have always found delight in handling and looking at such objects and as I grew older I too became a hoarder of bits and pieces. From a young age I enjoyed making mini “creations” using all sorts of materials. And so, at University it felt natural for me to study jewellery design and I loved creating pieces which could be playful, tell a story, or give an insight about the wearer. In my final year of study, and this dissertation, I have explored various everyday objects and how the use of materials and aesthetical qualities can ignite an emotional response to the owner. Perhaps influenced by my own surroundings, I hoped to create jewellery which can encourage ideas of comfort and homeliness for the wearer. Therefore I have researched the influence of physical touch and why certain objects, such as living room furniture and children’s toys, can provide reassurance and soothing feelings for a person.


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