The Process Of Career Guidance And Counselling

The Process Of Career Guidance And Counselling
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Язык: Русский
"The Process of Career Guidance and Counselling” is a study of wide range of Guidance, Types of Counselling, Modes of Counselling, tools and techniques of educational and vocational guidance , Guidance Services in India, Guidance of Children with Special Needs, Guidance for Children with Mental Retardation, Education for Exceptional Gifted Children, Guidance for the Backward Children, Testing in Guidance Services, Psychological Foundation of Adjustment, Mental Hygiene and Mental Health besides basic conceptual concepts of guidance and Counselling, which deserve proper application in our national guidance programme. Among the several books on guidance this books claims to be most comprehensive description and analysis of the basic and fundamental principles and techniques of educational and vocational guidance. It covers the syllabi of almost all the Indian Universities on the subject in simple and lucid language. Planned as a text book for the B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A.(Education), and M.Phil students and reference books for the specialists, scholars, teachers and guidance workers. This book is critical constructive appraisal of the subject.


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