Systemic theory applied to ecology, geography and spatial planning

Systemic theory applied to ecology, geography and spatial planning
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Язык: Русский
Starting from a critical comparative analysis of how the systemic conception is applied in geography, ecology and spatial planning, with a particular focus on the new concept of ‘territorial system’, the book demonstrates the hypothesis according to which the transfer of statistical methods currently used to study ecological systems toward the analysis of territorial systems is not only possible, but also beneficial based on theoretical foundations and six case studies developed at several spatial scales. The methodological import shapes both a hierarchy of the methods (by analogy with biostatistics) based on the goal and needs related to the manner of interpreting the results, and an algorithm for applying these instruments. People from the academia and research, both theoreticians and practitioners of the three fields (geography, ecology and territorial planning) can find a useful tool in their teaching and research activities. Nevertheless, in a more general sense the book looks at the very essence of more disciplines, and philosophers of science could be interested too.


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