Sudanese basils (Ocimum basilicum)

Sudanese basils (Ocimum basilicum)
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Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is known locally in Sudan as “rihan”. The plant is aromatic and exists in Sudan as a wild plant, widely spread, as well as cultivated for ornamental purposes. There is no use for basil herb in Sudan. The main objectives of this study, to analyze the chemical constituents of basils especially essential oil components accordingly, it will be possible to classify Sudanese basils according to the world-wide known classifications and to investigate some biological activities of basil oils. The seed (fixed) oil is another economic product from basil plants since this oil has potential industrial uses. However, Sudanese basils have so far not been chemically evaluated or investigated to determine essential oil composition and subsequently classify Sudanese basils into chemical groups or profiles in order to suit world market requirements especially if ever basil is to be commercially produced in Sudan as an agricultural crop for export. Such classification will help in selecting the right cultivar to grow for a specific market and knowing the oil constituents will help to identify the end use of the oil, as food flavours or for biological activity.


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