Study of Nanomaterials

Study of Nanomaterials
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Now-a-days, the terms, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials have emerged as the most important and exciting forefront fields in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and Biology and are being extensively used by the common people and the media. Nano is the flavor of the day. Nevertheless, the nanomaterials have been used by human mankind for centuries without knowing the dimensions of the material. However, it is the last two decades that the science of nanomaterials and the related technology has gained much importance. It shows great promise for providing us in the near future with many breakthroughs that may change the direction of technological advances in a wide range of applications. Miniaturization of devices has always been a challenging task for the scientific community and in the same pursuit ‘Nanotechnology’ has come up after its latency with the novel fabrication techniques of nanomaterials and advanced characterization techniques. Some of such exciting ‘Existing and Future Applications’ of nanotechnology have been addressed in this book.


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