Studies on Rutheno-Cuprates and Ca doped Y-123 Superconductors

Studies on Rutheno-Cuprates and Ca doped Y-123 Superconductors
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Superconductivity has been an exciting, fascinating and challenging topic for last one century. The discovery of high temperature superconductivity (HTS) in cuprates has had a defining influence on understanding of science and technology. This discovery has marked the decade, because it has triggered a revolutionary breaks with well-established conceptual of condensed matter physics. “The understanding the mechanism of HTS” is considered as the most important open problem in condensed matter physics.Many superconducting structures have been synthesized by various groups all over the world, both in oxides and from inter-metallic compounds with varying Tc, Hc and Jc values. But till date, there has been no satisfactory explanation for the occurrence of superconductivity in ceramic oxides, which have a rather complex structure. A variety of experiments can be performed to elucidate some more properties. Still, there is a tremendous scope to improve the materialistic properties of these materials through different types of processing techniques. From the technological point of view, there is opportunity for an entirely new breed of technological innovations.


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