Strategic factors influencing decision making

Strategic factors influencing decision making
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Язык: Русский
Strategic Factors influencing decision making provides readers with a thorough understanding of the theory and practice of strategic factors influencing students’ choices of a university. The first chapter of the book covers in detail the objectives, principles and techniques of identification of strategic factors influencing students’ decisions. The second chapter encompasses other studies done by other scholars on this subject area. Also their findings are briefly discussed in this part. The third part shows the methodology used in collection of data and analysis of the data. A case study is used to enable the researcher to typically observe the characteristics of an individual unit. This will enable to probe deeply and analyze intensively the multifarious phenomena that constitute the life cycle of the unit with a view to establishing generalizations about the wider population to which the unit belongs. The fourth chapter shows the analysis of the identified factors. Fifth chapter includes detailed discussion of the results. The book will be useful to students when making their decisions in life.


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