Still Unborn

Still Unborn
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Язык: Русский
Chewing in and out of the merits of this book one will start to swim back to the past. The prime motivation of this book is to advance the contention that what we are seeing now is the mirror of what transpired in the past. It also creates something of a phoenix from the ashes by employing the history of the Titanic as an unsinkable truth to reflect similarities between 1912 and 2012. The 1912 waves constituted of a generation which embrace an unsinkable social gospel in the character of their souls which was sown by God in their heart to seed the light in human evolution that although what is created by man thus sunk but what is created by God doesn’t sunk but it swims on top of water and that is love. The object of this analysis, stand to that, geographically speaking it takes the planet 100 year to rotate and graduates into a century. As we could see that from 1912, it took us 100 year to reach the year 2012, so when the planet graduates into a century it goes back to where it was in the past, it is therefore by the advocacy of this nature that this book draws the historical and also philosophical legacy that history has the capacity to repeat itself and also that were water


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