Spor Alemi (1919-1929)

Spor Alemi (1919-1929)
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Язык: Русский
The topic of this book is the magazine "Spor Alemi" (1919-1929). "Spor Alemi" was the longest lasting periodical among the sports magazines published in the old script in the transition period from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic. It started publication after World War I in November 1919; witnessed the occupation of Anatolia, the Armistice, the War of Independence, the Declaration of the Republic and its early years. In this study, available issues of the "Spor Alemi" magazine have been scanned, examined and indexed. Examples from the magazine on how it viewed different sports have been cited. The magazine covers a wide range of sports including rowing, skiing, billiards, hockey, skate hockey, archery, aviation, scouting and gymnastics but more emphasis is given to football, boxing, wrestling, tennis, track and field. Football has been the focus of the book. In this context, the implementation of the official football policies has been scrutinized. Examples of football news from Istanbul, the West and Anatolia have been cited. Therefore, this study aims not only to shed a light on "Spor Alemi", but also on the history of Turkish football itself.


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