Social education by the perspective of art and communication

Social education by  the perspective of art and communication
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The most strategic steps of a dialogue mechanism based on intercultural education are training and raising international mediators, and building an international mediation mechanism within the intercultural education system. The first chapter develops peace education from differences and creates an “Intercultural Consensus Model. The chapter “Social Mass Media Education” draws the main frame of mass media education by explaining a sensitive communication style for social media education and the realization of news terminology with creative communication strategies. The goal of art-based education is to enable students to think creatively and complete learning processes, produce new solutions with different points of view for the problems they face. The aim of contemporary art and education is to learn to see and look; to be cerative in life style and to create a personality which questions and criticizes; to have self-confidence and developed virtues; also to create a personality which is civilized, peaceful and sophisticated. Special education methods for social education by the leadership of art is the main subject of the third and fourth chapter.


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