Sexual Liberation in the Poetry of Kamala Das

Sexual Liberation in the Poetry of Kamala Das
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One of the wags in which Mrs. Das interrupts both the heteronormative and the homonormative is in her choice of love objects –women, men and herself. After marriage, Kamala Das continued to “fall in love” both with men and women. We are told that she embarked on several torrid affairs. One of these “carelessly mixed pleasures”, as she calls them,involves Mrs. Das’s love for her doctor.She was tended to by a lady doctor who saved her from bleeding to death in a hemorrhage after surgery. Kamala Das kept on going to see her in the clinic – kissing her, watching her, smelling her.In her autobiography, Das writes at length about the sexual pleasures and experiences that propelled her poetic sensibility and poetry. "Sexual Liberation in the poetry of Kamala Das" offers a discussion of her poetic creed with reference to the sexual openness and feminist outbursts found in her poetry.


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