Research on Centella asiatica: the potential herbal cure-all

Research on Centella asiatica: the potential herbal cure-all
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Centella asiatica or “gotu kola” is traditionally used as an important medicinal herb and alternative medicine in treating numerous kinds of diseases. Stated as an outstandingly important medicinal herb, it is widely used in the orient and is becoming increasingly popular in the west. Triterpenoid and saponins, the primary constituents of CA are mainly believed to be responsible for its wide therapeutic actions. This plant having some amazing regenerative properties is used therapeutically for wound healing of almost any kind. Today it has become an important commercial plant due to many therapeutically beneficial effects. Keeping in mind, the vast therapeutic potential of this plant in terms of its efficacy and versatility, this book is an allegiance to the herb and a sincere effort to report our ongoing research on the plant offering comprehensive information as to our up-to-date research and understanding on various preclinical and clinical studies, mechanism of actions and safety precautions advocated for this herb. Also, the studies imperative to evaluate the likelihood of interactions of this herb with the drugs is provided for the optimum and safe utilization of the herb.


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