Promoting Health and Well-being in the Workplace

Promoting Health and Well-being in the Workplace
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Язык: Русский
The workplace is where almost two thirds of adults spend almost two thirds of their waking time. Though traditional, statutorily-driven approaches to risk management have been demonstrably effective in reducing the number of injuries and sickness in recent years, psychological and physical health issues are still rife in the modern-day workforce. Work-related sickness and injury absence, and the economic cost implications of such, are having a detrimental effect not just on employees and employers, but on the wider community. Written by a team of experts from across academia and practice settings, this engaging new book argues that employer organizations must work collaboratively with employees in order to create working environments that promote health for all. With a sharp focus on applying theory to practice, the book uses real-life examples from areas across the globe to encourage readers to think contextually. Key topics covered include:• Work-life balance, including issues of workload and the 'long hours culture'• The impact of work-related musculoskeletal disorders• The nature, scale and causes of work-related stress• The significance of corporate social responsibility in employee wellnessAligned with global frameworks, this comprehensive text provides both students and qualified professionals with a solid foundation for practice, and a rich source of material for discussion.


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