Objective Journalism - myth or reality?

Objective Journalism - myth or reality?
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With the arrival of Internet that has erased the ‘imaginary'' boundaries of the regions, both BBC and Al Jazeera English have entered into a market where they compete for the same reader, and the only tool that can help them win the battle and the hearts of the people of this global village is believed to be the practice of ‘objective journalism.'' The research analyses the news reports that appear on the BBC Online and the Al Jazeera English website. It is probably the first attempt to draw a comparison between the two ‘trusted brands'' on the web using the ‘discourse analysis'' as a method. The pursuit of a new benchmark of objective journalism is also a unique phenomenon of the study. It tries to read between the lines, e.g. the intention of the reporters in using a particular diction or a picture for a report. It will help journalism students, academics or the media people to see things going beyond their sight. Set out in a number of sections, the study discusses the concept of objectivity in journalism, and also the emergence of journalism on the web. A framework has been designed for the analysis of the news reports.


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