Local community understanding of and response to climate change
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The findings of the study showed that temperatures had increased rainfall levels had decreased and the timing of rainfall had undergone changes and Dire Dawa is getting drier and drier. The findings also confirmed that weather is changing solely due to anthropogenic (human activity) causes. The finding also showed that, the local community awareness (and understanding) of climate change does not seem to have advanced in recent years and hence, there is little awareness of the issue of climate change. The finding sought that with regard to the connection between flooding and climate change, the respondents do not at all see the connection between climate change and flooding. Most people think that climate change has begun and a great many acknowledge that it is a serious problem. However, compared to other problems, the community has not ranked climate change among its top concerns. Most respondents blame government and businesses most for not doing more to combat climate change. They think these institutions – especially government – should do more. Most people recognize that they, as individuals, and their local community also make some contribution to climate change.
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