Leading Change In Campus Religious Life

Leading Change In Campus Religious Life
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Язык: Русский
How does a leader or group of leaders bring about institutional change that reintegrates religious life with the academic mission of Christian higher education? How can a coalition of leaders from across a campus (student life, religious life, and academic departments) design and implement a program that connects a college’s mission with a theological concept? How does the process of designing such a change initiative in itself catalyze transformation in a Christian college’s sense of connection with its Christian religious heritage? In "Leading Change in Campus Religious Life", Sarah B. Drummond answers these questions through a case study on the Lilly Endowment initiative, the Programs for the Theological Exploration of Vocation (PTEV). Drummond explores the process through which leaders must take their stakeholders in order to bring about meaningful change. She also presents a method for helping disparate, historically-Christian institutions to address and ultimately reconnect with their founding theological principles. Drummond discovers and then articulates best practices for planning the meaningful change on campus that can be led from the chaplain’s office.


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