Islamic Theory of Motivation

Islamic Theory of Motivation
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Motivation theories originated in the west have underpinnings of Greek philosophy. They reflect the socio-philosophical thought of the times. The very fact that some of the old theories are discarded like worn out clothes and new theories are tried out exhibits the limitation of human knowledge. Human thought, however sound logically it may be, cannot be the only source of knowledge. Process theories of work motivation do not address the question of what motivates an employee. So – called content theories stop with describing self – actualizing nature of human being. Humanistic psychology goes a step farther, describes human motivation in terms of peak experiences and religious experiences. Islam, one of the revealed religion for the mankind, answers the question what constitutes peak experience for human beings. It gives knowledge about the essence of divinity, creation, nature of phenomenal objects, life, life after death, man’s role on this tiny planet. It provides answer to the question as to that is the essence of human being and his nature. This book articulates these experiences.


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