Islamic Law In An African Context

Islamic Law In An African Context
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This study seeks to investigate whether or not the Akamba Muslims apply all aspects of marriage and divorce. The study is undertaken in Kitui District in Kenya. It therefore attempts to establish the extent of the application and practice of the Islamic law on marriage and divorce among the Akamba Muslim community. The research seeks to identify and examine the grounds of divorce in Sharia and the Akamba customary law and investigate why a vast majority Muslims among the Akamba stick to traditional customs and values. The study also attempted to show the areas of disagreement between Sharia and the Akamba customary law with regard to marriage and divorce. The role played by the Kadhis court in resolving marital dispute has also been analyzed. Islam was introduced in Kitui by Muslim traders from the coast. It is not certain when the first caravan of traders reached the interior of Kenya from the coast. However it is believed to be around 1841 – 1888 A.D. Islam became stronger and grew to extend this new faith among the Akamba. In acceptance to the Islamic faith, the Akamba Muslims assimilated Islamic teaching gradually in their traditions and customs. However, there were some tradi


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