Ironic growth in selected novels of R. K. Narayan

Ironic growth in selected novels of R. K. Narayan
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Язык: Русский
The book deals with the ironic vision of R.K. Narayan. Narayan’s fiction is a copybook example of “the harmony of style with the subject.” In his case, ‘style is the ironic man’ – par excellence. Every Indo-English writer has force come to terms with the fact that he is an endeavour to express an Indian sensibility through a western medium. In the process, he must evolve his own individual artistic strategy in tackling the problem. His approach to subject-matter is always remarked with intellectual inspirations. His artistic excellence lies in an authentic exploration of facts in an absolutely uninvolved manner.R.K. Narayan’s novels are teeming with social consciousness. He is keenly aware of the fundamental irremediable incongruities which life and world are confronting with us. He accepts the reality as it presents before him. He sees the society and its developments with an ironic detachment and accepts reality ungrudgingly. He sees no point in attempting to criticize or correct things. Narayan’s central character shows us everything that occurs in the every walk of society. The book, it is hoped will be appreciated by all.


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