Interpreting Editorial Cartoons during 2013 General Elections in Kenya

Interpreting Editorial Cartoons during 2013 General Elections in Kenya
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“Mulanda’s ‘Interpreting Editorial Cartoons during 2013 General Elections in Kenya’ is a must-read for journalists, editors and media researchers. It is a book of its kind in the area of journalism and mass communication in Kenya and probably beyond. Majority of newspaper readers quickly scan editorial cartoon pages but do not stop to dissolve their smiles and tap their senses out of their skulls. Mulanda read cartoons, smiled and swallowed the smiles for the benefits of students, workmates and readers of cartoons. In his book, he examines the interpretation of editorial cartoons by Kenyan reader’s visa a vis the intention of the cartoonists. He draws the link between the two and punches inferences of such graphics in times of elections, basing on editorial cartoons in the run up to 2013 general elections in Kenya” —Ndonye M. Michael


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