Indian Diaspora

Indian Diaspora
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Язык: Русский
In consequent to the contemporary transnational social and political developments,diaspora has emerged as a revisionist phenomenon in the purist framework of the globalization making a nation’s monolithic texture diverse and multifarious. And Indian diaspora, accordingly, with its assorted nuances has, invariably,shed its minority status and has demonstrated its inclination towards majority buoyed not just by its numeric quotient but by its burgeoning success and self-apprehension. The book chronicles select Indian fictional and cinematic creations trying to unravel the interesting melange of cultures and nationalities through the 'Indian Diaspora specific' from a researcher's lenses. Through a comparative study of literature and cinema,it is philosophized that a complete erosion of one’s primary identity is not a solution but a new identity alloyed with hints from the adopted land can be desirable as it can enrich the existing dialectics,courtesy its advancements, which draw the diaspora into its boundaries. Mutual enrichment is,thus,the best hope. The characters in the novels and films of this study at least suggest so, through their emotive and psychological experiences.


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