Improving my practice as a facilitator

Improving my practice as a facilitator
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This is a documentation of a study I carried out in attempt to improve my practice as a facilitator using learner centred approaches(LCA) focusing on Experiential and Cooperative learning while working with teacher trainees at Kyambogo University. My exposure to LCA during my study at HiOA created in me a desire to make a shift from delivering content to facilitating learning and knowledge creation; a source of my motivation to research into my practice with a question “How I can improve my practice? Through this study, I've been able to experiment, experience and develop my understanding of how these approaches can be employed in Ugandan context. Through the descriptions of my experiences garnered in the process, this thesis discloses the process of my actions and learning; portraying a cyclical process which enables me to reflect upon my experiences in order to understand my practice better in collaboration with other people as colleagues. Through various methods and tools such as: interviews, observation, dialogue, discussions, logs, photography and documentary analysis, I was able to collect and document my action & of the participants which has been the ‘heart’ of this report.


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