Impacts of Revolutionary Movements on Rising Status of India

Impacts of Revolutionary Movements on Rising Status of India
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Phenomenon of revolution occurs when people or groups are not satisfied with the existing system of their respective state. So, they want to transform the whole system so that they can perform their vision and philosophy of life. Naxalites are from one of those group who stat their effort to get their rights in 1967 and after passing 44 years they are still fighting the war with India to establish their communism philosophy by adopting the Mao’s strategy of revolution. Throughout their violent struggle, they continuously are posing challenges in the way of rising status of India on several levels like on security, economy and societal level. Indian government, since the birth of this movement, is trying to eradicate it but despite all the measures, Naxalite movement has captured almost 40% of the India and 35% of its population.


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