Hydrotherapy for Children with Intellectual Disability

Hydrotherapy for Children with Intellectual Disability
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Язык: Русский
It is evident that therapeutic intervention nourishes every phase of child’s physical, motor and cognitive abilities. Children with intellectual disability lack motor ability due to significant limitations in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behaviour. Hence, it is important to plan certain motor activities to provide stimulation for overall motor development in children with intellectual disability. The extension to which children progress good motor skills can influence their involvement in the society. Hydrotherapy appears to be a feasible and efficient way to progress physical fitness, muscle endurance and functional mobility of children with intellectual disability. Physical exercises are effective in the overall motor co-ordination and relaxation in children with intellectual disability. Both hydrotherapy and physiotherapy are effective methods of teaching motor skills in children with intellectual disability. To initiate a therapeutic program through therapies for children with intellectual disability, special educators should collaborate with adapted physical educators and physical therapists.


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