HIV/AIDS Problems: The Crossing Sublimation

HIV/AIDS Problems: The Crossing Sublimation
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HIV/AIDS is a major health problem and a threat to the economic and social establishment of the world. It is not just confined to a particular region or a country, but has gripped the entire globe. The victims of HIV/AIDS have generally been the poor, illiterate and economically weaker sections of the society, with the intensity ranging high amongst the youth. However, in the present day, the infection is found among all the sections of the society. The immediate cause of the HIV/AIDS includes; both biological and behavioral factors. Though various international agencies and governments have mounted the awareness campaign to contain the epidemic, but the problems remains and the consequences is insurmountable. There are numerous policy formulations both at local settings as well as at international level, hence the governments, local bodies, agencies, institutions and NGO’s must not wait how soon the journeys take place, rather should show green signal and flag off the wavering awareness programs from every junction to fight and restrict the HIV/AIDS pandemic. There are millions waiting to catch back their lost smiles and millions expecting and hoping for a better tomorrow.


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