Funding models for financing of water infrastructure in South Africa

Funding models for financing of water infrastructure in South Africa
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The aim of water resources infrastructure development in South Africa is to ensure water security and availability within specific water management areas. It must be emphasized that South Africa is a water-scarce country, subject to droughts and periodic floods. Future water availability (surface water) will be impacted by climate change and variability. Thus, water demand management and conservation (water use efficiency) must be an integral part of infrastructure planning and development. The research is presented in terms of the various performance areas, i.e.: • Relationships between infrastructure and development • Water infrastructure development and management • Infrastructure condition and capacity, i.e. operation and maintenance. Water is a strategic natural resource and a reliable and affordable water supply underpins all economic and social development. The supply of water is viewed as a critical input into the economy and for the creation of opportunities for empowerment. Attempts are made to describe, explain, understand, predict (foresee), critique and/or analyse new and existing information on the funding (financing and economics) of water infrastructure projects.


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