Finance and Financial Markets

Finance and Financial Markets
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Finance and Financial Markets is a best selling comprehensive introduction to the financial markets, institutions and instruments that constitute global finance. Its practical approach makes it readily understandable for students on finance and economics courses and those wanting to understand the workings of the modern financial world. This third edition has been thoroughly updated in the wake of the recent financial crisis, and discusses its implications for the finance industry.Key benefits of the third edition:• New chapter on the credit crunch covering the causes, events and policy response.• Coverage of recent financial innovations such as collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps.• Completely revised chapter 18 on financial regulation focusing on regulatory issues raised by the crisis.• An extensive set of case studies emphasising the real world of finance including the collapse of AIG and Lehman brothers, behavioural finance, the carry trade, foreign exchange intervention, the TED spread and the VIX index.• An on page glossary of key terms.• A companion website featuring interactive MCQs, links to financial information and data sources, Powerpoint slides and a timeline of the credit crunch with links to relevant news sources.


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