Feral Cat Management: Perceptions and Preferences

Feral Cat Management: Perceptions and Preferences
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Язык: Русский
Feral cat management is a highly debated topic. Trap, Neuter, and Return (TNR) programs have become increasingly popular as an alternative to eradication. Public preference about how to manage feral cats has been explored by previous authors, but no consensus has been reached. Public policy and best management practices depend in part upon public opinion on this topic. Wording of a feral cat management preference in surveys can play a role in respondent opinion. For this book, the researcher examined public opinion about feral cat control by surveying 298 Stanford University faculty and staff members using two different communication approaches. Half the surveys included scientific language, “feral” and “euthanasia,” and half included colloquial terminology, “free-roaming” and “removal.” Results suggested education and pet ownership affect preference for TNR. The humane treatment of feral cats was of great importance, and respondents were split as to whether feral cats are part of the natural spectrum of wildlife. Public education about feral cat issues and management were of little importance to the respondents.


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