Ethical Communication and Social Responsibility

Ethical Communication and Social Responsibility
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Язык: Русский
The book shows the way in which ethical communication and social responsibility can contribute to the ethical reconstruction of the public space. The volume analyzes the relation between communication, ethics and deontology and displays the way theories and behaviors of actors in the communication space may be ethically shaped by using the concept of minimal ethics founded in the postmodern ethics. Departing from this concept, ethical and efficient ethics makes possible the responsible ownership of personal, organizational, community or social values, beyond the dispute between relativism and absolutism. The author discusses the notions of individual responsibility, organizations’ responsibility, and state’s responsibility as an organization that acts both at citizens’ level and at global level. All these lead to the conclusion that the globalization of communication supposes the continuous dynamics of regulation and codification in the communication field, and also lead to a professionalization of ethical expertise in media communication, public relations and social responsibility.


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