Employee Motivation Through Non-Financial Incentives

Employee Motivation Through Non-Financial Incentives
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The purpose of this research project is to identify the various ways in which NFIs affect levels of motivation while suggesting appropriate ways to improve and increase the value of the reward package, based on relevant data and an assessment of the current reward package. The results reveal that NFIs are particularly valued by case study UK organisation’s employees hence the need to design an improved total reward package that would take into consideration the intrinsic needs of individuals as satisfaction levels were also found to be higher for NFIs compared with compensation. It was also found that employees had different opinions concerning what was called ‘self’ levels of motivation and ‘others’ levels of motivation. Finally, an elusive character of employee benefits was identified in the literature as well as in the case study organisation and was addressed through a classification of benefits depending on what was named the ‘incorporated intrinsic element’.


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