Effectiveness Of Cost Saving Measures In Improving Kcse Performance

Effectiveness Of Cost Saving Measures In Improving Kcse Performance
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This study sought to assess the effectiveness of cost saving measures in improving Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) performance in public secondary schools in Kenya. Specifically, the study was guided by the following objectives: To analyze resource endowment of public secondary schools in Marakwet West district; to assess the existence of cost saving measures in public secondary schools in Marakwet West District and to analyze the effectiveness of cost saving measures in improving KCSE performance in public secondary schools in Marakwet West District. In the study, nineteen (19) head teachers from KCSE schools were selected through stratified sampling. In addition, one district education officer (DEO) was purposively sampled to participate in the study. The head teachers’ data was elicited through use of questionnaires while the DEO was interviewed by the researcher. The findings of the study are revealed here in.


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