Education in the Context of Social Upbringing

Education in the Context of Social Upbringing
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The technologies, which influence all the sectors of social life, become increasingly significant; and the technologies of pedagogy, education, and individual development are more frequently mentioned and discussed. It is doubtless that the importance of pedagogy is increasing but it has to change together with the changes in the environment. Upbringing has undergone changes as well. The characterization of the peculiarities of social, economic and pedagogic components of a modern a personality’s socialization carried out in the framework of the thesis allows us to bring forward an assumption that there is a need for the replacement of emphasis from the understanding of upbringing as a narrow pedagogical process to a much broader conception of the upbringing process in the framework of sociology of upbringing. Sociology of upbringing studies upbringing as a broad, manifold social and pedagogical phenomenon, as a social institution. In this sphere the process of upbringing is investigated within the broad context of socio-cultural conditions, viewing social environment as a definite mechanism of a personality’s socialization.


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