Ecological Properties of the Soil in Mt. Diwata Range, Philippines

Ecological Properties of the Soil in Mt. Diwata Range, Philippines
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Lack of knowledge on the ecology of soils is one of the reasons for inefficient strategies for the conservation of natural resources, which often times proved costly to man and the environment. Such lack of knowledge on sustainable use of natural resources was observed in Mt. Diwata Range, Philippines. The mountains in this range are known sanctuaries to several threatened species, not only of birds but a myriad more of other fauna and flora, which are of conservation concern. But the mountains and their environs, are under threat from human activities. Encroachment for crop cultivation and extraction of timber threaten the natural habitat. Before effective laws and management strategies can be designed and implemented, there must be clear and adequate knowledge of the nature and quality of the biological and other resources. Here, the soil – a habitat of a countless number of organisms and the medium for plant growth, was thoroughly studied. Knowledge on soil ecological properties can be very useful tools in formulating effective management strategies for sustainable development.


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