Contribution of Small-Scale Fisheries to Household Food Security:

Contribution of Small-Scale Fisheries to Household Food Security:
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Язык: Русский
Small-scale fishery has considerable contribution ensuring household food security through improving households’ income and enhancing food availability through own production. However, small-scale fishery can be constrained with various constraints such as the absence of rules and regulation and inadequate gear and maintenance material availability.In line with this premises, the investigation was undertaken to address household food security from the perspective of the contribution of small scale fishery to HH food security around Lake Zeway in Oromia region. By examining the role of small-scale fisheries to household food security, the conditions and constraints of fish production, and marketing in the study area and to understand the policy and institutional environment with regard to small scale fisheries’ sector around Lake Zeway in particular. The analysis should help shed some light on the socio-economic and food security aspect of small-scale fisheries, and should be especially useful to professionals in Food Security Studies, Economics and Rural Development fields, or anyone else who may be considering to see the socio-economic and food security status.


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