Business Research In Arunachal Pradesh, India. Volume I

Business Research In Arunachal Pradesh, India. Volume I
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Язык: Русский
Far in the eastern tip of India is the land of ecstasy called as ‘Land of Rising Sun’. It is the one of the Indian state treasured with different field of interest like- culture, adventure, landscapes, hydropower, heritage, historical monuments, pilgrimage, horticulture, biodiversity, handicrafts, cross-border trade, folktales, mysteries etc. Interestingly, it is the most culturally diversified state in Asia and said to be the safest place in the northeastern India. Infact, Arunachal Pradesh may be termed as the ‘Land of Research Potential’ in India as she offer myriad of research opportunities yet to be explored. The focus of this book is on providing different information and ideas of business researches carried out in Arunachal Pradesh by the author over last three years. The book covers strategic aspects of business like- industry, commerce, trade, horticulture etc. This book provides concrete research-based findings over different socio-economic dimensions of the state especially for researchers, academician, policy makers and general readers. It is hoped that this book will generate research interest and curiosity to readers on various business researches of the state.


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