Assessment of the Impact of absenteeism

Assessment of the Impact of absenteeism
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Язык: Русский
Absenteeism is one of the biggest problems facing education. Therfore it has been subject to an intensive research. Most of the resaerch done on this phenomenon intended to determine its major causes in order to solve the problem.Findings have not always been consistent due to the variation of the determined causes from one study to another.The present study explores teachers’ and students’ views regarding causes and solutions for absenteeism in the English department at the Faculte of Letters, Arts, and Humanities (FLAH) of Manouba. Additionally, the study assesses the link between absenteeism and grades. The aim is to determine causes and solutions for absenteeism and to examine the impact of class attendance on students’ academic performance. The present study is intended to shed light on the motivational components involved in students’ decision to attend and not to attend classes.The motivation to undertake this exploration stems primarily from the researcher intention to contribute to an ongoing body of research aiming at identifying determinants of academic success.


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